Monday 15 November 2010

 after we went outside we added our best pictures into a collage
this is my besyt pictuere i took

Wednesday 10 November 2010

this is the skull i made in incksacpe. i did it from a toutorial from the intrnet. i licked  making it but the fier was a little hard to macke
this is my sunset. it is esier to macke then it looks. it was realy fun to macke

Monday 4 October 2010

This is my first inkscape drawing with the bezier tool. it was not so hard to make. we did shapes and then we uniond them. it was a lot of fun to make.

awsome dog
this was my seccond drawing with the bezier tool. it wasa little harder to make then the shark to make but also a lot of fun to make.

Thursday 23 September 2010

This hipo was the hardest one to make but it was also the most fun one to make. i did not use so mutch nodes but i used the gradient tool a lot.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

first vectographic drawings

Hart in a Hart
This was my first drawing in inkscape with using nodes. we learnd how to use the nodes and what we can do with them. First this was a basic shape but then he gave us free time and this is what i did at the end. 

After we did the hart mr muntwyler gave us freetime and i just played around with nodes and first i got a ghost shape but then i changed it to a sun shaped object.

cartman is my favorit one of all. we used all kinds of objects and nodes.